Well, finally!!!

Greetings out there! I’ve finally decided to start blogging. That will probably attract some snorts of derision from people wondering how I’ve got the temerity to call myself a “techiefairy” and have only just dipped my toes (my very sore toes today!) in the phenomenon that is the online weblog. Newsflash – I have a real life too, and don’t just exist in binary witticisms!

I’m not sure what I will blog about yet. Possibly extended explanations of any current threats if I think they warrant it, but my job is supposed to be to make these things easier for you, not confuse the issue with a load of waffle.  There will almost certainly be any geek humour I discover on my travels along the “information superhighway” (sic) and who knows what other electronic marvels I might stumble across. Stay tuned (if you like, if you don’t I know some really good food bloggers you might care to cast an eye over :-))

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